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Hulya Dogan

Hulya Dogan

Kansas State University, USA
United States


Prof. Dogan received her Ph.D. in Food Engineering. She joined the Department of Grain Science and Industry faculty in 2006. Professor Dogan is the co-leader of Milling Science and Management (MSM) undergraduate degree program. She serves as academic advisor for 25-30 undergraduate MSM students per year since 2007. Dr. Dogan participates in several professional societies including the American Association of Cereal Chemists (AACC International), Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) and International Association of Operative Millers (IAOM).

Research Interest

Prof.Hulya Dogan have shown her interest and expertise in Food engineering, Grain processing and milling; Biopolymer science; Fundamental and empirical rheology; Physical, mechanical, thermo-mechanical and microstructural characterization; Structure-texture relationships; Food processing; Extrusion; Mathematical modeling and process optimization.