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Karamatollah Rezaei

Karamatollah Rezaei

Department of Food Science, Engineering and Technology University of Tehran


Karamatollah Rezaei, Ph.D. Professor Department of Food Science, Engineering and Technology University of Tehran URL: Ph.D.: Food Science and Technology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada (1999). Post-Doctoral Research Associate, University of Alberta, (Oct. 1999-Nov. 2000) and Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa (Nov. 2000-March 2003). Publications: Over 100 national and international peer-reviewed articles. Conferences: Over 200 national and international presentations. Editorial Board of a national and an International Journal Latest Awards/Recognitions * Top 1% Scientists recognition (by Thompson Reuters) - Award given by the University of Tehran – May 2016. * Research Award for recognition as the best international scientist (5th Research Festival, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources of University of Tehran) - January 2012. * Best Teaching Award (4th Teaching Festival, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources of University of Tehran) - June 2011. * Best Research Award (4th Research Festival, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources of University of Tehran) - January 2011. Membership: - Active member of the American Oil Chemists’ Society (AOCS) and the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT). - Former member of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of Southeast European Countries.

Research Interest

Extractions, Reactions, and Analysis (especially related to oils and medicinal plants).